Hello Friends and Neighbors,
(Once again)
By no means did I expect to blog twice in a day, but I have a bone to pick. And expect a few because it is my nature to express my feelings outloud whenever something or someone is out of line. So... I was on a little breakie-break from my whole packing deal (and I'm taking quite a few of those). And I decided to browse one of my top favorite blogs, TheYBF.com hoping there was a new posting to entertain myself with, and the particular blog was about Raven Symone being dropped from her record label. Ok, fine... not really something I was just that pressed about. What drew me to leave a comment on the post was simply because Natasha of YBF was talking about the new 90210 coming soon and mentioned Gossip Girl and I absolutely LOVE Gossip Girl and I simply wanted to state that on my comment. It was pretty lame and that is fine.....
Anywho on to the picking of the bone, so there is this - not so flattering- picture of Raven showing off her chubby side. Oh, and it was also mentioned that Raven sings a song at her concert about "Loving your curves" and someone, Mz. MaryJean, MPH, RD, to be exact made such a hasty comment about Raven, as followed:
"Ravne[Raven] needs to stop. That’s why we as Black people cannot get our weight under control because we are taught to “love our curves.”
They’re not curves, Raven…you’re FAT!
Own up to it and either do something about it or stop preaching to girls how wonderful it is!
Being your size is unhealthy. Period. It places a great strain on your heart, and puts you at risk for nutrition-related diseases later on in life.
I don’t acre[care] if you can sing and dance carrying all that weight around. Stop telling girls that it’s ok to look like you - because it’s not.
Be responsible to the people who have made you wealthy.
Signed,MaryJean, MPH, RD"
Now I got what mz. mary jean was coming from but jeez could you have been any meaner about your response. And I understand its an opinion and I support expressing yourself but there is a way of doing it. Sooooooooo... you know I had something to say. I responded to her lil ass and this is what i said:
"this is why eating disorders and self hate is becoming more and more of a problem among women of color. Its understandable that being healthy is neccessary to live but that can be preach in a much more motivating manner than this comment. Its so horrible to put people down this way. There are better ways to approach this situation. I hope you don’t talk to your patients that way. And I am plus size and working towards a healthier lifestyle while still loving what i look like regardless. If you were my Dietitian talking to me like that, I’d say F-you and shove a smothered pork chop down your throat…. haters…."
Ok ok, so the smothered pork chop deal was a tad bit harsh to some, but I'm sure mz. mary jean would feel the essence of my words. Not everyone needs to hear such mean words from someone who frickin' "registered" to help overweight people. Alot of overweight people are emotional eaters (which thank the Goodness I'm not) and would stuff thier faces after hearing such a downgrading comment. Anyways I was not happy about this ish.
Now my friends and neighbors, the purpose of this blog is to simply say please, UPLIFT those in need of guidance, do not downgrade. If you have someone who is struggling through something, do not judge... listen and motivate. Don't put them down when they are falling, reach out your hand and let them know you are there for them.
Reasons why Mz. Mary Jean, registered dietitian is wrong and I'm right:
-Recently, it has become apparent that the stereotypic image of those suffering from eating disorders may not be as valid as once thought. A primary reason why eating disorders appeared to be restricted to white women seems to be that white women were the only people with these problems who underwent study. Specialists conducted most of the early research in this area on college campuses or in hospital clinics. For reasons related to economics, access to care, and cultural attitudes toward psychological treatment, middle-class white females were the ones seeking treatment and thus the ones who became the subjects of research.
-Data from a recent large, community-based study give more reason for concern. The results indicate that more African-American women than white women report using laxatives, diuretics, and fasting to avoid weight gain
-African-American women who are the most assimilated equate thinness with beauty and place great importance on physical attractiveness. It is these typically younger, more educated, and perfection-seeking women who are most at risk of succumbing to eating disorders.
These are all quotes from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/thin/minorities.html
I'm sure there are more. We like to think that eating disorders are more of a "white" issue but it is not. Previous studies showing that to be the case were not valid, therefore need to uplift our women, all women and let them know that they are beautiful and thier beauty should not be defined by thier size!
YES we need to be healthy and eat right and exercise daily, I know this.... but negativity and hateful comments such as ones that Mz. Mary Jean want to publicize is NOT the way to go. So my bone has been picked but I'm not completely over it. Hopefully someone has gotten something from this and will continue to support thier loved ones...
PEACE and BLESSINGS everybody,
and I'll see you when I see you,
Ashley ~Mz. Bonafide Diva~
Yeast Infection No More Review
23 hours ago
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